Michelle Tucker Chubenko

AG®, AGL™ | Speaker | Writer | Eastern European Researcher

With almost 30 years experience researching her colonial American and Eastern European ancestry, Michelle Chubenko is a Research Team Lead and professional genealogist with Legacy Tree Genealogists based in Salt Lake City, Utah. She joined the company in October 2016 as their Researcher for Central & Eastern European research and since April 2021 is the Research Team Manager for the International Team.

She is a member of APG, local and ethnic genealogical societies, and is active in local history organizations. Since 2013, she has been the co-coordinator for the Ukrainian History & Education Center's Nashi Predky Family History Group. Currently, Michelle serves as the Vice-President of the Genealogical Society of New Jersey and the Chapter Representative for the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists. Additionally, she was a researcher for Who Do You Think You Are? (season one) and appeared in the Brooke Shields episode, which aired in April 2010.

For assistance with solving your challenging research problems and complex lineage projects, please visit their (https://www.legacytree.com/michellec) website for more details. Or, schedule a 1:1 Consultation appointment via the Genealogist OnDemand service.

Michelle continues to present genealogical lectures to audiences on a local, regional (OhioGS 2022; NERGC 2017), national (FGS 2008/Philadelphia), international level (Ontario Ancestors/2019) and through webinars. See her calendar of Upcoming Presentations and follow her blog at JerseyRootsGenealogy: A Garden State Journey in Genealogy for the latest news in NJ genealogy.

Geographic Specialties

NJ, Mid-Atlantic, New York City, Austria-Hungary, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Eastern Europe

  • Gen101: 21st Century Basics
  • Hatched, Matched & Dispatched: Discovering Your Ancestor's Life Events
  • Researching Your Ancestor's Locality
  • City Directories: Yesteryear's 411
  • Special Censuses: Researching Beyond Decennial Enumerations
  • Genealogical Education in the 21st Century: Beyond the Lectures
  • The Holiday Talk: Getting to Know Your Family's History
  • Genealogy Research Using Online Resources
  • 5 Tips to Effectively Use FamilySearch
  • Perfect Together: Facebook & Genealogy
  • Evernote for Genealogy
  • New Jersey State Censuses, 1855-1915
  • Jersey Roots: From Province to Statehood
  • Digging for Roots in the Garden State
  • Using the New Jersey Room, Special Collections & University Archives, Rutgers University
  • Essential Resources for New Jersey Genealogy
  • New Jersey Libraries and Repositories
  • Discover Your Immigrant Origins
  • (Re)Building Your Eastern European Ancestral Village
  • Researching Ancestors in Galicia, Austria-Hungary
  • Ancestry in Bukowina & Galicia
  • Genealogy in Ukraine: Discover Online Resources
  • Introduction to Ukrainian Genealogy
  • Orthodoxy in America: Understanding its Ethnic Origins
  • WWII Displaced Persons: A Stateless People
  • Post-WWII Immigration: Using the Resources of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • Perfect Together: Facebook and Eastern European Genealogy
  • WORKSHOP: Mapping an Empire

NJ Historical Society,NJ State Archives,NJ State Library,Special Collections/Rutgers University

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century