Markus Schoenherr

Professional genealogist in Vienna, Austria - for work in Austria, Germany, and Central Europe
+43 699 1046 6751

I have worked as a professional genealogist since 2010. My areas of expertise are in Central Europe, i.e. Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, also partly Slovakia, Croatia, Romania, Poland. I am available for on-site research especially in Vienna, with a variety of archives, and for research in general online and on-site in the whole area, speaking/reading a number of the languages spoken here.

Geographic Specialties

Austria, Austria-Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

Austria, Austria-Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia

How to Work With DNA Matches in Austria (and Central Europe):
Arbeiten mit DNA-Matches in Österreich (und Mitteleuropa): 
Einstieg in die Ahnenforschung im heutigen Österreich:
How to Start Researching Your Ancestors in Today's Austria:
Lebende Verwandte in Österreich finden:
Onsite Research and Offline Sources in Vienna (Austria):
Finding Living Relatives in Austria:
Records on unmarried mothers in Vienna in the 1800s:
Vital records and other sources for Burgenland:
Census, house and population records in Vienna in the 1800s:

All archives in Vienna, Eisenstadt, Graz, Bratislava, Linz, St. Pölten, Salzburg, Klagenfurt, Maribor and others in the area.

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

English, German, Romanian, Greek, Hungarian, French, Dutch, Italian, basic Polish, Serbo-Croat, Slovenian