Linda Coffin

Personal historian (20+yrs), genealogist (40+yrs); published family histories; presentations

At HistoryCrafters, we focus on getting your materials out of boxes and binders and into the hands of your family and friends. Over the past 20+ years, we have helped with writing, interviewing, and publishing more than 40 family history and memoir books. Now is the time to get your materials into a form that people will actually pay attention to -- no more "glazed-eye" look! Presentations include: "Adding Leaves to Your Family Tree," "Interviewing Grandma," and "Voila! A Book!" -- among others.

"This was so helpful. You've given me so many new ideas to flesh out the stories of my ancestors." (attendee, online workshop, 2020)
"You've inspired me! I'm going right home to start writing." (attendee at RootsTech workshop, February 2015)
"This is the best workshop I've attended all weekend." (participant at Minnesota Genealogical Society two-day conference, October 2014)
"You made those early Quakers seem so real. I feel like I know them." (attendee, historical presentation at Twin Cities Friends Meeting, October 2014)


Adding Leaves and Flowers to the Branches of Your Family Tree"

"The Nuances of Quaker Records"

"Graphic Design for Writers"

"If You Write It, Will They Read It?"

"Be The Ancestor You Wish You'd Had"

"Interviewing Grandma"

"Techniques for Writing Your Family History"

"Keeping Your Projects Under Control"

"Adding Social Context to Your Family History"

Minnesota Historical Society; Minnesota Genealogical Society; University of Minnesota

  • 19th Century

Spanish, English

From 2012-2017, I was the Executive Director of the Association of Personal Historians. I am a member of the Minnesota and Wisconsin Historical Societies, the Minnesota and Wisconsin Genealogical Societies, seven Minnesota county historical societies, the National Genealogical Society, the Genealogical Speakers Guild, the International Society of Family History Writers and Editors, and the Friends Historical Association.

BA (Latin American Studies)