Lianne Kruger

Owner of iFamilyHistory

Lianne Kruger started doing genealogy as a child recording names and dates at graveyards. In her teens she went through microfilms looking for names written on a piece of paper. When first married she researched her paternal line back to the first European land owner of Canada. She continues to research her other lines along with DNA research, One-Place and Surname Studies.

Lianne is a board member and CFO of She has also volunteered with the Alberta Genealogical Society (AGS) as Red Deer Branch’s president, vice president, and six years as 1st Vice President of AGS. She is currently social media chair for AGS. She was rewarded two special achievement awards (2015, 2018) and the President Award (2020) for her service. She is on the advisory board of

She has taught for Legacy FamilyTree webinars, RootsTech, as well as conferences, seminars and sessions in all over Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario, Canada;  THE GenealogyShow, FamilyRoots (Utah); Surname Name Society (UK); Genealogy with a Canadian Twist, Virtual Genealogical Society, and National Genealogical Society. For five years Lianne taught the family history course at the Ogden Institute of Religion.

Lianne earned a computer programming degree and has been teaching computer software courses since 1982. She has completed a Bachelor Degree from BYU-Idaho with minor in Family History Research (a certificate and Associate Degree in Family History Research). She loves combining her love of technology, love of teaching and her love of genealogy by teaching ways technology can help genealogists in research, preserving and sharing the research with others.

Lianne is incredibly knowledgeable and has a very friendly teaching style. Lianne was great and full of energy Easy to understand Thank you for making me feel like I can do this.

How to Use Google Drive for Your Genealogy Research: 7 Questions with Expert Lianne Kruger, SK Translations, Apr 2020 How to Use Social Media in Your German Genealogical Research, SK Translations, Nov 2019. Exploring the New Youth and Family History Site LDSTeach, 2012. Catalina Swim Club 60th Freeze or Fry, Historical booklet and newspaper article, 2012. Brancroft Family Correspondence on the Book of Mormon, BYU Studies Quarterly, Brigham Young Univeristy, 2006.

FamilySearch Catalog Video, Vlogging & Your Own YouTube Channel Google Drive to Store and Share Your Family History Google Maps Keep Track of Every Note with Evernote Organize and Share with Evernote Create Your Own YouTube Channel to Store and Share Family Videos Use YouTube to Preserve Your Family Heritage Treasures and the Truth: Different Ways of Preserving Family Treasures Digitally Home Home on the Range: Understanding Homestead records (Western Canada Version) Home Home on the Range: Understanding Homestead records (U.S. Version) From Grandmother to First European Land Owner of Canada Research and Share the Social Media Way Bloggging using Blogger: The Hows and Whys Store and Share Files and Photos with Google Drive Top Ten Reasons to Use FamilySearch Using the Cloud to Oganize, Preserve and Share Photos & Documents Organize, Share and Collaborate with Google Sheets Create Forms in Word and Google Sheets South African Family History Stories Ways to Share Your Family History with Your Family How to Start Your Family History & Genealogy. How to organize your DNA on AncestryDNA Calendar Changes that Effect Genealogy Great Uncommon Websites to Help Your Research

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century

BYU-Idaho Family History Research President's Award, Alberta Genealogical Society 2020 Special Mention Award, Alberta Genealogical Society (2018 & 2016) Award for Peter Stavely award for article written for Relatively Speaking, AGS, (2022)

mitoYDNA Advisory Board Alberta Genealogical Society

AS: Data Processing/Computer Programming/accounting, 1979. Family History Certificate, BYU-Idaho, 2020 AS: Family History Research, BYU-Idaho, 2021 BS: BYU-Idaho 2022