Kim Richardson

Southern Heritage Genealogy

  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Author/Writer
Kim Richardson accidentally became a genealogist when her grandmother and grandaunt asked for help researching a few ancestors. She loved learning about those ancestors and has been researching nearly daily since that time, including professionally. Kim's favorite genealogy activity is empowering others to break through barriers to achieve their genealogy goals. She discovered why complex genealogy problems feel overwhelming and created a tool called Brick Wall Buster Cards to conquer confusion and solve tough problems.

Kim graduated from Mississippi State University. She retired from service to the State of Mississippi after 25 years as an advocate for victims of violent crime and working in highway traffic safety programs. She continues to work in a professional capacity conducting genealogy research and teaching others that they can solve genealogical brick wall problems. She has researched for Who Do You Think You Are? and Finding Your Roots. She also wrote the “Mississippi Research Guide” for Family Tree Magazine and and regularly writes for various genealogy society magazines.

The sense of substance which learning about my family gives to my life is why I wanted to learn more about my history. Kim enabled me to investigate the history of one of my ancestors in a part of the country inaccessible to me." - Richard C.
"She was very thorough. The end product was so well researched and documented that I see no room for improvement." - Gayle C.
"We uncovered two amazing 100-year-old portraits for the people we were tracking." -Sue
"I have been able to fill out details of the extensive time my ancestor spent in Mississippi during the 1820s, details largely unavailable to me... including the hitherto elusive place of his burial." -R. Crisler
"I feel like you've been where I am in researching, and you are humble in your speaking style. Thank you for the great information and insights." -John
"What I liked is how incredibly well organized [the] report was... I'm so grateful." -S. Schwartz
"Every presentation is wonderful. You're the best speaker I've heard. Please come back again!"- Joan

"A Family for Margaret: Using Circumstantial Evidence to Find a Family for Margaret Craig Sylvester," _AGS Magazine_ 56.1 (Spring/Summer 2024): 40-44.
"Mississippi Genealogy Research Guide," _Family Tree Magazine_ (September - October 2021): 37-40.
"Reviews: Research in Mississippi," _National Genealogical Society Quarterly,_ 105 (December 2017): 304-305.

  • Organizing Your Genealogy Records
  • Basics of Genealogy Research (various record types)
  • How to Research in a Courthouse
  • Census Research
  • Case Studies
  • InDEED, Your Ancestor's Land Records Are Useful in Genealogy Research
  • Genealogical Wills
  • How Do I Know that My Sources are "Good" and My Research is Accurate?
  • How to Handle Genealogy Secrets Ethically and Without Stress
  • Tagging, Organizing, and Saving Heirlooms and Photographs
  • Mind Mapping for Genealogy Research
  • Using Collateral Relative and Cluster Research to Solve Genealogy Problems
  • Turn Your Brick Wall into a Yellow Brick Road
  • Relatively Cheap Genealogy: Research and Education for the Frugal at Heart
  • Beginner Colonial-era Research, through the Life of Anne Marbury Hutchinson
  • A new Strategy for Brick Walls

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

Association of Professional Genealogists
New England Historic Genealogical Society
National Genealogical Society
Alabama Genealogical Society
Mississippi Genealogical Society
Mississippi Historical Society
Tennessee Genealogical Society
Utah Genealogical Association
Smith County MS Genealogy Society

BA (Communication specializing in Public Relations)