Johan Gronberg

Swedish professional genealogist
Find your Swedish ancestry
Professional genealogist

  • DNA
  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • DNA
  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research
  • Heraldry / Lineage Societies
  • Immigration / Naturalization
  • Military
  • Tutor / Coach

  • Adoption / Unknown Parentage
  • Investigative Genetic Genealogy

  • Family History Research

  • Document Translation
  • Forensic Research
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • Photograph Analysis
  • Handwriting / Palaeography
  • Web Design
I who run “Find your Swedish ancestry” is Johan Grönberg and I am a Swedish professional genealogist. I was born and live in Sweden, and have been doing genealogy research in Sweden for over 20 years. It started as an interest in finding my own Swedish roots but has become a service for others to use to find out their Swedish ancestry.

The services provided suit you who want to:
  • find out about the Swedish part of your ancestry
  • find living relatives in Sweden
  • identify from where your Swedish relatives came from in Sweden
  • confirm family stories that have been passed down for generations
  • learn about your Swedish surname
  • confirm previous genealogy you have inherited
  • need a itinerary or guide when visiting areas of interest.
We are a Swedish company and do most of our research in Swedish archives, but all our services you also can hire for research in Norway, Denmark and Finland. We have lot of experience in Scandinavian and Finnish research and can offer the same price as research in Swedish archives.

I am employed as a genealogist at The house of nobility in Stockholm, Sweden. It is a palace and an organization for the nobles in Sweden. Its objective is to preserve and maintain a historical heritage.

Testimonials and references can be given upon request.

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century

English, Swedish (native)

I am a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the world’s leading organization for professional family historians. I am also often hired by large American genealogist companies to do research in Scandinavia and Finland. So even if you hire another firm, it might be me performing the research.

I have university degrees in history, sociology, journalism, ethnology and political science.