Dr. Jean Wilcox Hibben

- Speaking / Presenting
- Writing /Publishing
- Ethnicity / Religion
- Family History Research
- Family History Research
- Methodology & Resources
- Writing & Publishing
- Available for in-person events
- Available for virtual events
- Author/Writer
- Editor
- Tutor / Coach
- Oral Historian
A native of the Chicago suburbs & former Board Certified genealogist, I now reside in So. Cal. where I was a college professor for 13 years, teaching Speech Communication, retiring to pursue my passions: family history & folklore (with doctorate in the latter). I am a national speaker, the former Director of the Corona (CA) Family History (FamilySearch) Center, 1st VP & webmaster of the Corona Gen. Soc., & Past-President of the So. Calif. Chapter of APG. I've also been on the boards of the Gen'l Speakers Guild, Internat'l Soc. of Family History Writers & Editors, & APG. I was the Lead researcher for the first season of Genealogy Roadshow. I write the "Aunty Jeff" column for the Informer, the newsletter of the Jefferson County, NY, Gen. Soc.
National speaker (online & virtual); researcher (see website for details), Podcaster, writer, and blogger
Geographic Specialties
CA, IL, IA, MI, NY, TN, TX, WI, Chicago, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Milwaukee, Germany
Please refer to website:
family folklore, storytelling
Regular contributor to newsletters of the Genealogical Speakers Guild (SPEAK!) and International Society of Family History Writers and Editors (Columns), Jefferson County New York Genealogical Society (Informeras well as a frequent contributor to various genealogical publications (including APGQ, Your Family History, and UGA's Crossroads). My novel - ELISABETH: THE STORY OF A GERMAN IMMIGRANT - and my musical CDs about ancestral topics are available through my website: ).
My lectures are detailed on my website, , where they are listed in 5 categories: Instructional Lectures, Participatory Workshops, Narrative Presentations, Songs/Stories Presentations, and Banquet Speeches/Keynote Addresses. Please see the website for more information.
National Archives, Pacific Region, Riverside
- 20th Century
- 19th Century
- 18th Century
Southern Calif. Chapt., APG; Genealogical Speakers Guild; National Genealogical Society; Corona Genealogical Society; Jefferson County New York Genealogical Society; So Calif. Genealogical Society; Sacramento German Genealogical Society; San Diego Folk Heritage; Riverside Folk Song Society; Songmakers
BA (Speech Communication), MA (Speech Communication), PhD (Folklore)