Carolyn Halladay

Heritage Genealogy Services

’m Carolyn E. Halladay, a professional genealogist near Boise, Idaho, and I have been conducting research for others since 1995. I started my research business in 2019. I want to find your family members, both dead and alive. My experience spans the digital and paper worlds; I know how and where to dig.  Deciphering handwritten records from past ages is only one of my abilities.

I completed my University Studies Bachelor’s Degree with a minor in Family History from BYU-Idaho; it was a goal more than thirty years old.  When I’m not studying or searching old documents, I am out walking in beautiful western Idaho or visiting grandchildren.

Carolyn was very professional and easy to work with. She was friendly and has a passion for doing family research. I was very pleased with the report she created for me. It was more than just facts like birth and death dates. I?ve been able to gain more of a sense of where I come from. Thank you, Carolyn, for a great experience! Stephanie E.

Is Pont Really Swedish? Overcoming the challenges of the U.S. Census

  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century

English, Spanish (read)

Legacy Family Tree 24-hour Webinar Marathon

Roseville Genealogy Society Sacramento Genealogy Society, Root Cellar

AA Family History Brigham Young University Idaho BA University Studies Brigham Young University Idaho