Nina Ivanichvili

Certified Translation, Heir Search, Dual Citizenship, Apostilles, Interpreters,
All Language Alliance, Inc.
Denver , Colorado
United States

  • Family History Research
  • Other Speciality

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Ethnicity / Religion
  • Immigration / Naturalization

  • Author/Writer

  • Document Translation
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Forensic Research
  • Heir & Probate Search
  • Handwriting / Palaeography

All Language Alliance, Inc. is a nationwide provider of certified translation, sworn translation; Apostille; court-certified interpreter services for domestic and international depositions, arbitration, mediation, conferences and corporate events; archival research; expert witness services; genealogy research services specializing in certified legal document translation and sworn translation services; obtaining foreign ancestral records and their official certified sworn Apostille translation for dual citizenship by descent (also known as citizenship by ancestry) applications; deposition interpreters in exotic, rare, uncommon and common foreign languages for U.S. litigation anywhere in the U.S. and worldwide; arbitration interpreters in the U.S. and worldwide. We work with international law firms; litigators; arbitrators; mediators; estate planning, wills, trusts and probate law firms; executors, administrators, trustees, fiduciaries, bank and trust officers; guardians ad litem; certified genealogists; forensic genealogists; probate genealogists; experts in estate research, probate research, heir search, heirship research; archival researchers; historians; paleography and palaeography (U.K. spelling) experts; skip tracing and genealogy research services to locate missing and/ or unknown foreign beneficiaries and heirs to testate and intestate estates, guardianships, and trusts.
We have archival and family history researchers, court-certified deposition, arbitration, mediation interpreters, certified translators, and provide apostille services and certified Apostille translation for U.S. documents issued in: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. We also have a global team of in-country on-site genealogy researchers, translators, interpreters, historians in: Brazil, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain, Poland, Norway, Hungary, Sweden, Lithuania, Croatia, France, Romania, Belgium, Turkey, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Serbia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Austria, China, Thailand, Mongolia, South Korea, Japan, Finland, Denmark, and other countries. Here are some examples of the types of civil cases with an international angle that All Language Alliance, Inc. has experience in providing certified translation of foreign language Apostille records and other multilingual documentary evidence, and deposition interpreters and arbitration interpreters in any foreign language for:
Legal Translation Services for Inheritance Disputes Foreign Heir Search,
Certified Translation, Genealogical Translations & Genealogy Research
Certified Translation for Transnational Estate Litigation
Certified Translation of Non-English Wills
Certified Translation of Prenuptial Agreements
Certified Translation of Documents with Apostilles
Certified Legal Translation of Power of Attorney (POA)
Certified Legal Translation of Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
Admissibility of Foreign Documents in U.S. Litigation
Legal Translation Services for the Social Security Administration (SSA)
Legal Translation of Letters Rogatory
Legal Translation Services and Legal Language Services into European Languages and English
Certified French Translation of Marriage Documents
How to Get Apostille Translation Services
Certified Translation, Apostille Services and Genealogy Research for Dual Citizenship
Spanish Translation Services for Service of Process in Argentina under the Hague Convention
Medical Translation Services
Medical Interpreter Services
Insurance Translation and Legal Interpreter Services
Technical Translation Services
Marketing Translation and Brand Name Testing Services
Vietnamese Relatives’ Quiet Title Action Highlights Dead Man’s Statute
Deposition Interpreter Services for Video Depositions of Overseas Deponents
Mandarin Deposition Interpreters for On-Site Chinese Depositions in the U.S.
Certified Polish Translation and Genealogy Services to Locate Heirs at Law
Lithuanian Translation & Expert Witness Services in Estate Litigation
Legal Translation Services for Art Restitution Cases
Ottoman to English translation of Historical Documents
Mandarin Interpreters & Chinese Translators for Taking Discovery in China
German Translation Services for Service of Process in Germany
Responding to Interrogatories with Foreign Language Documents
How to Properly Correct Deposition Interpreting Errors
Danish Translator as Expert Witness in Old Handwritten Records
Can Jewish Marriage Contract Ketubah Be Enforced by a U.S. Court?
Official Certified Translation of School and University Diplomas and Transcripts; Multilingual Academic
Translation Services

An Employer’s Duty to Provide an Interpreter to Foreign Employees Who Sign Arbitration Agreements.
How Much Notice Should be Provided for an Interpreted Deposition?
Swahili Interpreter Services in Parental Rights Cases
Lessons Learned from a Date Discrepancy in Apostilled Court Documents
Denial of Interpreter Leads to Summary Judgment Win for Insurer
Kingdom of Sweden Tries to Enforce Swedish Default Judgment in New York
Foreign Law and Foreign Law Translation in U.S. Courts
Certified Translation for Service of Process in Switzerland
Who Pays for the Cost of Deposition Interpreter Cancellation/ Rescheduling Fees?
Are Check Interpreter Costs Recoverable by the Prevailing Party?
Missing, Erroneous, or Uncertified Translations Can Jeopardize a Case
Certified Translators & Interpreters for Remote Online Notarization (RON)
Certified Translation of Foreign Apostille Records
Legal Interpreting Services in Rare Chinese Dialects
Linguistic Expert Services to Resolve Disputed Translations
Can an Interpreted Deposition Exceed the Seven-Hour Deposition Time Limit?
When Rare Language Court Interpreters Can’t Be Found
Hawaiian Language Legal Translation Services
Dueling Interpretations of a Translated Chinese Document
Certified Translation of Foreign Documentary Evidence
Certified Translation of Apostille Marriage Certificate
Evidentiary Translation Services for U.S. Courts
Hungarian to English Legal Translation Services
Chinese Translation Services for Patent Litigation
Should an Employer Provide a Translator and/or Interpreter for a Non-English-Speaking Employee?
Are Deposition and Trial Interpreter Costs Recoverable by the Prevailing Party?
Certified Translation of Foreign Language Text Messages for Court Proceedings
Legal Translation of Foreign Statutes
Certified Translation of Discovery to Be Used in Foreign Courts
Official Certified Translation of Foreign Birth Records
Legal Translation for Holocaust Litigation in U.S. Courts
Legal Translation Services for FSIA Lawsuits
Certified Apostille Translation and Apostille Services for U.S. Documents to be used in: Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, China- People’s Republic of China (Including Hong Kong (HKSAR) & Macao Special Administrative Regions), Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, Eswatini, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Republic of Korea (ROK), Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malawi, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Republic of Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niue, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Phillippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, San Marino, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korean, Spain, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela

Translator for Lawyers on reddit
Certified translation services on reddit
Certified translation & deposition interpreter services on Alignable
On-site archival consultant services

Multilingual Certified Legal Document Translation & Genealogy Research Services to Obtain Foreign Ancestry Records for Dual Citizenship; Foreign Heir Search; Inernational Heir Search; Deposition Interpreter Services for Remote Video Depositions and On-Site Depositions; Probate Genealogist; Apostille Services; Arbitration Interpreter Services; Mediation Interpreter Services; Simultaneous Conference Interpreter Services; Medical Translation Services; Simultaneous Conference Interpreters for Corporate Events and Webinars;
NARA Research Services

transcription & translation of archival historical documents written in an older style of cursive

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century
  • 18th Century
  • 17th Century
  • 16th Century and Earlier

Certified document translation, certified Apostille translation services and legal interpreter services are available in the rare, exotic and common foreign languages:

Afrikaans interpreter and translator
Akan interpreter and translator
Akwapem (Akuapem Twi; Akwapi; Akuapli) interpreter and translator
Albanian interpreter and translator
Amish German interpreter and translator
Amharic interpreter and translator
Anuak interpreter and translator
Anywa interpreter and translator
Arabic interpreter and translator
Arakanese; Rakhine interpreter and translator
Aramaic interpreter and translator
Armenian interpreter and translator
Asante interpreter and translator
Azeri (Azerbaijani) interpreter and translator
Badini; Bahdinani interpreter and translator
Bambara (Bamanankan) interpreter and translator
Bangla interpreter and translator
Belarusan interpreter and translator
Belauan interpreter and translator
Bengali interpreter and translator
Bhutanese interpreter and translator
Bisayan interpreter and translator
Bissa (Bisa; Boussancé) interpreter and translator
Bosnian interpreter and translator; Apostille for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brazilian Portuguese interpreter and translator
Bulgarian interpreter and translator
Burmese interpreter and translator
Cambodian interpreter and translator
Canadian French interpreter and translator
Cantonese interpreter and translator
Cape Verdean Creole interpreter and translator
Catalan interpreter and translator
Cebuano interpreter and translator
Chewa interpreter and translator
Chichewa interpreter and translator
Chinese interpreter and translator
Chuukese interpreter and translator
Congolese Swahili interpreter and translator
Creole interpreter and translator
Croatian interpreter and translator
Czech interpreter and translator
Danish interpreter and translator
Dari (Persian of Afghanistan; Eastern Persian) interpreter and translator
Darija interpreter and translator
Dholuo interpreter and translator
Dinka interpreter and translator
Dioula (Jula, Joola, Dyula) interpreter and translator
Dutch interpreter and translator; Apostille for the Netherlands and Belgium
Dzongkha interpreter and translator
Eastern Armenian interpreter and translator
Eastern Persian (Persian of Afghanistan) interpreter and translator
Eastern Punjabi interpreter and translator
English (U.K.) interpreter and translator
English (U.S.) interpreter and translator
European French interpreter and translator
European Portuguese interpreter and translator
Estonian interpreter and translator
Ethiopian interpreter and translator
Falam Chin interpreter and translator
Farsi (Persian of Iran; Western Persian) interpreter and translator
Fijian interpreter and translator
Filipino interpreter and translator
Finnish interpreter and translator
Flemish interpreter and translator
Foochow interpreter and translator
French interpreter and translator; Apostille for France; Belgium; Luxembourg
Fujian; Fujianese interpreter and translator
Fukienese interpreter and translator
Fula; Fulah; Fulani interpreter and translator
Fuzhou; Foochow; Foochowese; Fuzhounese; Fuzhouhua; Fujianese; Northern Fukienese; Minbei interpreter and translator
Ga interpreter and translator
Gallego interpreter and translator
Ge’ez interpreter and translator
Georgian interpreter and translator
German interpreter and translator
Glio interpreter and translator
Gorbo interpreter and translator
Greek interpreter and translator
Guere interpreter and translator
Gujarati interpreter and translator
Haitian-Creole (Creole; Kreyol) interpreter and translator
Hakha Chin interpreter and translator
Hakka interpreter and translator
Hassaniya Arabic interpreter and translator
Hausa interpreter and translator
Hawaiian interpreter and translator
Hebrew interpreter and translator
Hiligaynon interpreter and translator
Hindi interpreter and translator
Hmong interpreter and translator
Hokkien interpreter and translator
Hungarian interpreter and translator
Icelandic interpreter and translator
Igbo interpreter and translator
Ilocano interpreter and translator
Ilongo interpreter and translator
Indonesian interpreter and translator
Iranian Farsi interpreter and translator
Italian interpreter and translator; Apostille for Italy
Jakaltek;Jakalteko;Jacalteco; Popti’ interpreter and translator
Jamaican Creole interpreter and translator
Jamaican Patwah (also spelled: Jamaican Patwa, or Patois) interpreter and translator
Japanese interpreter and translator; Apostille for Japan
Jarawa interpreter and translator
Javanese interpreter and translator
Jawa/ Jawaese interpreter and translator
Jingpho interpreter and translator
Kachin interpreter and translator
Kamba interpreter and translator
Kambaata/ Kambatisa
Kannah interpreter and translator
Kapampangan interpreter and translator
Karen (Kayin) interpreter and translator
Karenni (Red Karen; Kayah)
Kazakh interpreter and translator
Kayah/ Karenni interpreter and translator
Kayin/ Karen interpreter and translator
Khmer interpreter and translator
Kikuyu interpreter and translator
Kinyamulenge interpreter and translator
Kinyarwanda interpreter and translator
Kirundi interpreter and translator
Kiswahili/ kiSwahili interpreter and translator
Konobo interpreter and translator
Korean interpreter and translator
Krahn interpreter and translator
Krio interpreter and translator
Kuki-Chin interpreter and translator
Kunama interpreter and translator
Kurdish interpreter and translator
Kurmani interpreter and translator
Kwahu interpreter and translator
Lahnda (Western Punjabi) interpreter and translator
Lai interpreter and translator
Lao interpreter and translator
Latin interpreter and translator
Latvian interpreter and translator
Lithuanian interpreter and translator
Low German interpreter and translator
Luganda interpreter and translator
Luo/Dholuo interpreter and translator
Luxembourgish; Luxembourgish; Letzeburgesch interpreter and translator
Macedonian interpreter and translator
Malagasy interpreter and translator
Malay interpreter and translator
Malayalam interpreter and translator
Mandarin Chinese interpreter and translator
Mandingo interpreter and translator
Mandinka interpreter and translator
Marathi interpreter and translator
Marshallese interpreter and translator
Matu Chin interpreter and translator
Mende interpreter and translator
Mennonite Low German (Plautdietsch) interpreter and translator
Minan; Minnan; Minnanese; Southern Min interpreter and translator
Moldovan interpreter and translator
Mon interpreter and translator
Mongolian interpreter and translator
Montenegrin interpreter and translator
Moore interpreter and translator
Moroccan Arabic interpreter and translator
Moroccan Darija interpreter and translator
Mozambican Portuguese interpreter and translator
Myanmar interpreter and translator
Navajo interpreter and translator
Nepali (Nepalese) interpreter and translator
Ngambay interpreter and translator
Nigerian Pidgin interpreter and translator
Ningbo interpreter and translator
Northern Fukienese; Minbei; Foochow; Fuzhou interpreter and translator
Norwegian interpreter and translator
Nuer interpreter and translator
Nyanja interpreter and translator
Old Church Slavonic interpreter and translator
Oromo (Oromiffa; Afaan Oromoo) interpreter and translator
Ottoman interpreter and translator
Palauan interpreter and translator
Pampango (Pampangan) interpreter and translator
Pashai / Pachaie interpreter and translator
Pashto interpreter and translator
Pawi interpreter and translator
Pennsylvania Dutch interpreter and translator
Persian interpreter and translator
Philippine Hokkien interpreter and translator
Pho/Pwo Karen interpreter and translator
Pidgin English interpreter and translator
Plautdietsch/ Plattdeutsch interpreter and translator
Polish interpreter and translator
Popti’; Jakaltek; Jakalteko; Jacalteco interpreter and translator
Portuguese interpreter and translator; Apostille for Brazil and Portugal
Portuguese Mozambique; Portuguese East Africa interpreter and translator
Pulaar; Fula; Fulfulde; Fulani interpreter and translator
Punjabi interpreter and translator
Putonghua interpreter and translator
Québécois interpreter and translator
Rakhine; Arakenese interpreter and translator
Rohingya interpreter and translator
Romanian interpreter and translator
Russian interpreter and translator
Rundi interpreter and translator
Samoan interpreter and translator
Sango interpreter and translator
Sarpo interpreter and translator
Serbian interpreter and translator
Sgaw Karen; Sgaw Kayin; S’gaw Karen; commonly known as Karen interpreter and translator
Shanghainese; Shanghai dialect interpreter and translator
Sinhala; Sinhalese; Singhalese; Cingalese interpreter and translator
Slovak interpreter and translator
Slovene; Slovenian interpreter and translator
Somali interpreter and translator
Sorani interpreter and translator
Southern Fukienese; Minnan; Minan; Amoy; Xiamen; Taiwanese interpreter and translator
Spanish interpreter and translator
Sudanese Arabic interpreter and translator
Swahili interpreter and translator
Swedish interpreter and translator
Sylheti interpreter and translator
Tagalog interpreter and translator
Taishanese interpreter and translator
Taiwanese interpreter and translator
Taiwanese Hokkien interpreter and translator
Tajik (Tajiki Persian; Tajiki; Tadzhiki) interpreter and translator
Tamil interpreter and translator
Tchien interpreter and translator
Telugu interpreter and translator
Tetum/ Tetun interpreter and translator
Thai interpreter and translator
Tibetan interpreter and translator
Tigrinya (Tigrigna; Tigray; Tigrie; Tigrai) interpreter and translator
Toishanese/ Toisanese/ Taishanese interpreter and translator
Tongan interpreter and translator
Trukese interpreter and translator
Tshiluba interpreter and translator
Turkish interpreter and translator
Twi interpreter and translator
Tzotzi linterpreter and translator
Ukrainian interpreter and translator
Urdu interpreter and translator
Uzbek interpreter and translator
Vietnamese interpreter and translator
Visayan interpreter and translator
Western Armenian interpreter and translator
Western Persian (Persian of Iran) interpreter and translator
Western Punjabi (Lahnda) interpreter and translator
Wolof interpreter and translator
Yakoma interpreter and translator
Yo (Yaw) interpreter and translator
Yiddish interpreter and translator
Yoruba interpreter and translator
Zomi (Zou; Zokam; Zo) interpreter and translator

ATA Certified Translator

American Translators Association, Certified Translator

Degree in Languages and Translation