Dean Henry

Genealogist with African American Research and Technology Expertise
Family Pearl LLC

  • Speaking / Presenting

  • Ethnicity / Religion

  • Family History Research
  • Technology
  • Available for virtual events

African-American Black Technology

African American Genealogy, Security & Privacy in Genealogy Websites, Genealogy Technology (see full list of Presentations in downloads, or the most current listing here:

  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century

National Genealogical Society, Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Sons of the American Revolution, Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Greater Philadelphia Area APG, African American Genealogy Group of Philadelphia, Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society, Sons & Daughters of the United States Middle Passage, Society of the First African Families of English America

M.B.A. (Accounting), B.S. Economics (Management of Operations & Information Systems)