David Ryan

Cork city based Irish historian and genealogical researcher
Ryan Genealogical Research

  • Family History Research
  • Speaking / Presenting
  • Writing /Publishing

  • Document Retrieval / Record Agent
  • Family History Research

  • Family History Research
  • Methodology & Resources
  • Available for in-person events
  • Available for virtual events

  • Author/Writer

  • Event / Reunion / Travel Planning
  • House Historian / Local History
  • Oral Historian

I am a historian and genealogist based in Cork city, Ireland. I am a graduate of the inaugural two year Diploma in Genealogy at University College Cork. Since that time I have been specialising in assisting people in tracing their Irish ancestry. I am currently studying a Masters in Public History at the University of Limerick.


I offer a number of services such as genealogical consultations, record retrievals, lectures on various topics and historic tours of Cork city

Geographic Specialties

British Isles, England, Ireland

British Isles, England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales

Contributor to MyHeritage Wiki

Regular contributor to Family Tree Magazine UK

I can deliver a number of lectures from the basic 'Tracing Your Irish Ancestors' to more in depth lectures on topics such as Church Records, Land Records, Oral History, Landed Estates in Ireland, Irish Military Records and Memorials. I can also deliver talks aimed at a professional audience, such as digital preservation of records and becoming a professional genealogist.

National Archives of Ireland, National Library of Ireland, Representative Church Body Library, Valuation Office of Ireland, Public Records Office Northern Ireland, Cork City and County Archives

  • 21st Century
  • 20th Century
  • 19th Century


Pro Gen Study Group 39

I am currently a member of Cork Genealogical Society, the Oral History Network of Ireland and the Irish Genealogical Research Society

Masters (Medieval History), Certificate (Digital Marketing), Diploma (Genealogy)