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Webinar: Cari A. Taplin / Build a Better Syllabus

17 Aug 2020
2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

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For speakers, the handout or syllabus material is the physical manifestation of your ideas that attendees take home and study later. There is no one-size-fits-all style when it comes to handouts. Genealogical educators find themselves needing to prepare syllabus materials for a variety of scenarios from the 20-minute quick presentation to the 45-60 minute lecture, to the 75-minute institute presentation. Hear tips for improving your syllabus material in this presentation.

About the Presenter: Cari A. Taplin is related to Roy Rogers. Or at least that’s what her family told her. As a result, finding her true heritage has been her focus since the year 2000. She is a native of Wood County, Ohio but migrated to Wyoming, Colorado and now Pflugerville, Texas, which is just outside Austin. Cari holds the Certified Genealogist® credential and has served in a wide variety of volunteer and leadership positions for state, local, and national societies. She currently serves on the board of the Association for Professional Genealogists. She is the Vice President of Membership for the Federation of Genealogical Societies. As the owner of GenealogyPANTS, she provides speaking, research, and consultation services. Cari focuses on midwestern and Great Lakes states and methodology. When she’s not working on her genealogy, she is a wife and mother of two teenagers.

17 Aug 2020
2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

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